Mobile App Software Development

Travel App Development: Process, Features, and Monetization Models.

Travel App Development (1)
In 2024, planning a travel itinerary has become easy and seamless. Everything can be done on your phone, from choosing your travel destination to knowing the must-visit attractions, finding budget-friendly options, and traveling in different modes of transport. In just a decade, travel apps have evolved to become game-changers in reducing travel complexities.
Do you have a better idea for a travel app? Does your idea solve the niche problem of travelers around the world? A travel app development company can help you find a great solution that can be implemented precisely as you imagine. A robust travel mobile application can plan a trip a month ahead without any hassles, removing all the stress. 
The blog is a detailed guide to the travel app development process.It covers several aspects of the whats and hows of building travel apps. So, let’s dive into it. 

Influence of Travel Apps in the Travel Industry

The travel industry is growing exponentially and earning phenomenal amounts of revenue. The COVID effect has vanished as more people use travel mobile applications. Some are also investing in building a travel mobile app. The year 2023 showed a 13% rise in the travel industry market, reaching upto $629 billion, which is 13% more than 2022. Last year, 850 million people applied to travel apps, and 60% of mobile travel apps were found to be used every month by users. Hence, the overall impact is positive because these apps provide extraordinary convenience to the users. 
Users can easily plan and execute any travel trip through these travel apps. These apps have features like flight booking, sightseeing, hotel booking, and several other options at affordable rates. Another factor in the increasing number of travelers is to alleviate their minds from work stress. To compensate for frequent burnout, employees travel to exciting destinations that break their monotonous lives and rejuvenate them to go back and perform better. The top three reasons why travelers prefer travel apps over planning trips in traditional methods are:

What are Travel Apps and Travel App Development

Travel apps are created to facilitate travelers for planning, booking, and expense management. You need to hire mobile app developers to develop a travel application. There are various number of steps involved in building such apps. It includes different stages of travel app development, which we shall discuss in the following sections. To make the app more valuable and unique, you can add unique features that cover various aspects like travel costs, weather predictions, trip management, etc. As an entrepreneur, if you are looking forward to building a unique travel app, understand your target audience first and find out what kind of app they need for a successful trip.

How To Travel Apps Work

Monetization Models for Building Travel Apps

As an entrepreneur of a travel app startup, there are various monetization models of travel apps to earn revenue through multiple streams. Some of the most common monetization models are:

Monetization Models Of Travel Apps

Booking commissions

In these kinds of apps, you earn money for every booking done on the travel app. The bookings can be for hotels, rental services, flights, and other accommodations. For example: Expedia and

Subscription Models

Subscription models are apps for which users pay a specific subscription fee to access premium features, enhanced services, and exclusive deals. For example, TripIt Pro provides premium features like real-time flight alerts and itinerary customization. 

Advertising and Partnerships

These apps collaborate to create advertising and promotional opportunities for doing business. They earn content from sponsored content. For example, Travel blogs and apps partnering with airlines or tourist boards. 

Affiliate Marketing

Such travel apps promote third-party products or services and earn commission for each sale or lead generated through referrals. For example, they may add affiliate links to their travel platform.

In-app Purchases

Through the travel app, users can make additional purchases such as premium features, exclusive content, and travel guides. For example, They Can Purchase city guides and language translation packs.

Data Monetization

These apps use user data for further insights. They gather such data and sell it to third parties. For example, they analyze user behavior for targeted marketing or sell aggregated travel trend data. 

Freemium Model

These apps provide a free version of the app with essential features and charge fees for giving premium functionalities, removing aids in the paid version. For example, providing a free travel app with basic trip planning features. 

Types of Travel Apps

Types Of Travel Apps

Different types of travel apps involve various services, such as planning, ticketing, booking, accommodation, etc.

AI-Powered Travel Apps

AI in travel apps is making a great buzz around the world. With the impact of AI technology, these travel tools, including generative AI backed up with AI-powered chatbots, have transformed travel app development services to a great extent. Apps like Travelicious, MakeMyTrip, TripAdvisor, etc., provide AI-enabled services such as travel planner, special assistance, and personalized itineraries. Such apps provide personalized travel trips.

Travel Itinerary Planning Apps

These apps help you plan the entire trip at once instead of focusing on a specific service. The app manages the entire schedule, ensuring you stay on time. For example, Wanderlog and TripIt.

Ticket booking Apps

These apps help consumers make ticket reservations, and users can book journey tickets. For example, Ixigo.

Hotel Booking Apps

It is difficult to find affordable hotels in any foreign city. With hotel booking apps, users can choose their favorite room from hundreds of rooms around the city. For example, and Agoda. Another great option is Kayak.

Travel Insurance Apps

With such apps, users get after-loss services to enhance their trip safety, avoiding the chances of lost luggage, theft, lost passports, canceled trips, canceled hotels, medical emergencies, etc.

Top Features for Travel App Development

There are numerous features that users can use when developing a travel app. Each panel has different functionalities. Let us find the list of features:

For Customer Panel

For Admin Panel

For Agent Panel

How To Create Travel App: Step-by-Step Process

Travel App Development Process
Like any other app development, you can hire a dedicated team of developers to build a travel application with your chosen monetization model. As a reputed software development company, we build travel apps with the following steps:

Discovery Phase and Market Analysis

List Down the Features

Hire Travel App Development Company

MVP Development

Quality Assurance and App Testing

App Maintenance and Final Launch

Cost of Travel App Development

Developing a travel mobile application is different for different types of customers. Hence, ideally, it is impossible to finalize a price. However, with the factors below, the cost of developing your travel app can be determined considerably. The price to create a travel app will be decided by:


People travel for different reasons, such as finding solace, taking business trips, etc. Planning a trip systematically can keep you relieved from unwanted stress. Travel apps have made it possible for all those who love traveling. Getting a travel app is easy. However, to develop, one needs extraordinary skills and vast experience. So, you can create a successful travel app by partnering with Whitelotus Corporation. We have a team of developers who can help your travel app become a grand success. We are well-versed with the latest technologies and frameworks. Contact our experts and let us discuss your project. 


  • Kirtan Thaker

    Kirtan is CEO of Whitelotus Corporation, an emerging tech agency aimed to empower startups and enterprises around the world by its digital software solutions such as mobile and web applications. As a CEO, he plays key role in business development by bringing innovation through latest technical service offering, creating various strategic partnerships, and help build company's global reputation by delivering excellence to customers.

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