Android Development Mobile App React Native

Harness The Benefits of React Native to Developing iOS and Android Applications From Scratch

top mobile app development company


We live in a mobile-driven ambiance, where every small or big business needs an app. The rising number of mobile app users and e-commerce platforms is hitting the charts. This has led to the growing demand for cloud-based business apps worldwide. Between 2021 to 2028, Million Insights expects a14.5% growth in the global business app market size.

Moreover, market growth receives a great boost with a sharp spike in the demand for react-native tools. The react-native tool is used to improve web development skills for rebuilding iOS and Android apps. Market key players infuse analytical methodologies for developing business apps empowered via Android and iOS platforms. 

Hence, living in a hi-tech environment gives a push to choose the best path for developing apps that can be built by leveraging the best tools. The blog takes you through the most effective ways that enable iOS and Android mobile app development by using React Native App Developer

If you have a startup and wish to build a productive app or if you are a programmer who wishes to explore the framework, you landed at the right place. Before we dive into the details, let us have a quick look at the level of popularity React Native.

Is React Native Really Good For Making Apps?

React Native has earned an eminent platform for building complex hybrid apps that provide a natural user experience. A report by Statista shows React Native as the second largest framework used by developers worldwide after Flutter. According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, React Native holds the 6th rank with a 14.51% share. 

React Native is an open-source Javascript framework used by developers to build native mobile applications. The most efficient benefit of choosing it is the ability of the framework to develop swifter apps and its simple yet efficient ways of usage for programmers.

Some of the top benefits of using React Native for developing iOS and Android mobile applications are as follows:

Harnessing The Native Technology

Every known iOS and android app development company prefers a cross-platform framework like React Native for developing mobile applications. This is because it is a framework used to develop on top of the frameworks that are native to every mobile platform. Hence, a mobile app developed with React Native will provide a native flavor and can also access native mobile elements and services.

Provides a Cross-platform User Interface

React Native provides cross-platform UI rendering that enables simple functionality and usage for programmers. They can unanimous codes that can be applied over several platforms such as iOS and Android

Dynamic Usage Preferences

Companies prefer working with those developers who provide android and iOS app development services using React Native. The reason is that there are no time and place limitations for using this framework. Its dynamic preferences of utilization allow it to operate on top of the web browser with no requirement for special plugins. Moreover, it provides scalability and flawless transitions with the help of a live reloading feature that helps programmers optimize time and improve the level of concentration on the coding ability. 

In addition, CLI is the essential interface that enables you to infuse various other advantages such as accessibility as an npm package and later perform the installation with simple codes on your device. With the backing of Javascript on React Native, CLI can offer access to most of the JV commands. For example, you can access commands to create new elements and new screens, install added packages, and operate your app in an emulator.

How Can You Simply Start with iOS and Android Applications in React Native?

Being an explicit open-source framework that can craft mobile apps, React Native helps in developing mobile apps for iOS and Android with the same code base. While using the framework for developing apps in Android Studio with JV, you need to trim down the time it takes to build a dynamic working prototype without requiring the use of native coding languages like Java and Swift. All this and much more are possible because the framework is empowered with some of the best development tools. So let us know which are these tools.

Best React Native Development Tools

React Native so far has been used for building popular applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Airbnb, Skype, and Uber.


A perfect tool that sets an environment for programming react native apps that can function seamlessly on any iOS and Android application platform on the mobile device.

Codename One:

An accurate cross-platform development ecosystem leveraging Objective C for iOS and Java for Android.

Create React Application:

An application generator that simplifies the process of React Native development by providing pre-built files with required packages.

Making Progress Again With React Native App Development

To get back on the wagon and find out the best way to develop a react native app needs several pre-defined procedures and methods. And then only it becomes possible to install and finally run the application.

What are the basic requirements to set React Native Application?

If you wish to have a seamless beginning to React Native development project with increasing pace, you must ensure to provide a precise technology ecosystem for using React Native. Various companies that use React Native for providing Android and iPhone application development services are ready to provide enough support to the programmers and developers who want to manage the development projects alone.

Phase of Installing React 

The first step is to install React. It does not matter whether you hire android java developers or hire swift app developers.  What matters is that you must follow a proper link that makes you get started.

React Native Application Folder Structure

Post-installation, you can begin with the folder structure with the following steps:

  1. Put a folder straight in the root and name it “app”
  2. Shift the app.js file into the root application
  3. Update the given index.js import statement
  4. Build the explicit folder inside the “app”

App Operability

To run your application, react-native-CLI tools will enable the app with code snippets. Now you can run and operate the app by using a terminal. You can use an emulator for 

Initial set of components used to build React Native App From Scratch

Consecutively, you need to collect the components to develop an application. The components are the visual elements seen on the React Native application screen. Further, if you wish to skip this step, you can select an application development company that has all tools and techniques for creating iOS and Android apps by using React Native.

However, you can obtain some crucial components for building Android and iOS apps from scratch with React Native.

  • The main components have image, view, text, text input, scrollview, and stylesheet
  • Product listing elements comprise flatlist and sectionlist
  • UI elements have a slider, button, picker, and switch
  •  Android elements have ViewPagerAndroid, ToastAndroid, TimePickerAndroid, DatePickerAndroid, and PermissionsAndroid.
  • iOS elements have ActionSheetIOS, SegmentedControlIOS, AlertIOS, and PushNotificationIOS.

Hence, there are several such elements and APIs that can be obtained to develop a mobile app using React Native which you can choose as per your project requirements. 

Move Ahead To Create World-class Apps Using React Native

So far, you have gone through the ways in which you can make a react native app from scratch. Also, you could find out how to initiate with the elementary components and develop a react native app from scratch.

Way forward, if you decide to create a cross-platform app for your business operations, choose React Native. It is one of the best frameworks that will help you develop apps comprising stunning Native UI. 

Whitelotus Corporation is one of the top mobile app development company. We develop simple to complex enterprise applications while considering utmost security measures. You can leverage our expertise in building iOS and Android mobile applications with the best technologies ever. Empower your business today by building a React native app that ensures business efficiency and productivity. Connect with us today!

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